As we know, if you want to Travel to morocco or you are intersted about morocco, you should chek out a lot of informations about this country

So our website here to help, in addition in this blog we will give you a important infos about a tradition very famous in morocco and names "achoura".


So give me your attention for good inderstand.

"ACHOURA" is one of a lot of traditions in morocco.

RM: actuality  "achoura" is a religion feast which has a special traditions.

This tradition had been waitting by morrocans every year and the exact time is "10 moharam", for the word "moharam" is the first month in islamic year, also we can say in 18 august but not exactly.

So Travling to morocco it's better if was in like this feast, to live a best traditions wich we will explain in this blog.

Muslums in "ACHOURA" doing them worships like fast, and pray a lot...

And mroccans generaly doing traditions in this day exactly, like:

The student prepar a gift to give it to their teacher names "fqih" in the mosque


The chlidern playing a game names "zamzam" in this last, we find chlidern shout the water to others (so it's better if you wear a save clothes before you out in this day)

And when the night come, we find a groups, and every one community about a fire, and every one in every group jump the fire.

For girls, also in "Achoura" night we find them in groups and every one community about a fire but the girls don't jump, they song a special songs about this tradition.

ACHOURA is a day wich make moroccans doing a very good things, like presentation a free foods and names "sadaka" to power people.

Achoura don't pass without a special national food names "couscous" like in this pictuer.


So all this lead to show the solidarity between moroccans and them save of religion values.